LeCTo - Lecture Capture Tool Lecture Capture Tool


button-lecto lecto-listing lecto-download
What is LeCTo?
How can you create LeCTo recordings?
Where is LeCTo recording published on the web?
Can LeCTo recording be modified after it's publication?
Why was LeCTo created?
Who created LeCTo?

LeCTo Recorder & Pyramidia PowerPoint Plug-in Download Page


LeCTo Recorder

(Works with Win XP/Vista/7, Linux/Unix and Mac OS)


Pyramidia PowerPoint Plug-in


  • MS PowerPoint 2003 or newer

What is LeCTo Recorder?

LeCTo Recorder is a simple and free rich lecture capture recording tool. It enables you to create rich lecture captures with just a few clicks. Later you can upload those lectures, play them using LeCTo Player and share them with others.

What is Pyramidia PowerPoint Plug-in?

New plug-in for PowerPoint is being deveoloped and will be called LeCTo plug-in. Currently the older version from Pyramidia project can be used. Pyramidia PowerPoint Plug-in is a tool that enables you to edit additional lecture contents directly in your PowerPoint presentation. It enables you to:

  • define a set of links, quizzes, speaker notes, additional lecture contents and FAQ,
  • associate such materials with desired slide(s) in your PowerPoint presentation, and
  • export them in a file format that works with LeCTo Player.

So how do I get started with LeCTo?

You can download LeCTo Recorder from this page.



Last change: 2017-10-03